
2008: Financial Meltdown + Peak Oil = ?

Here's a small tap up the side of the head in case anyone need's jarring from Newton's Sleep. We all know things are bad and about to get much worse. The following snapshot of the 2008 performance of the world's stock markets captures the meltdown quite succinctly. This comes via Davos over at Chris Martenson's site who, in turn, pointed me towards Bespoke Investment Group. Remember that stock market performance usually foreshadows by several months where and how economic performance will go. If you wish, you can overlay Bob Chapman's January 7th commentary for greater nuts n' bolts clarity. Now factor in the consensus, nicely arranged in a post by Cliff Wirth, that global oil production peaked in 2008, and we have a stage set for some interesting, painful and...very different times. Okay, back to sleep now.

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